Honda Trials Autonomous EV and Robot in Ibaraki Prefecture


Honda Motor Co. revealed plans to conduct demonstration tests featuring an autonomous electric vehicle (CiKoMa) and a logistic robot in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, starting mid-February.

CiKoMa Electric Vehicle: The CiKoMa, a four-seater electric vehicle, will operate at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. The vehicle’s purpose is to shuttle individuals between the “michi no eki” roadside rest station in Joso city and a nearby strawberry-picking farm, covering a distance of 850 meters at no cost to passengers.

WaPOCHI Logistic Robot: At the strawberry-picking farm, visitors can experience a stroll accompanied by the WaPOCHI robot. This innovative robot utilizes artificial intelligence to identify individuals by their silhouette and has the capacity to transport cargoes weighing up to 30 kilograms.

Data Collection and Product Development: Honda’s primary objective is to gather valuable data from these trials, aiming to leverage insights for future product development. Both the EV and the robot integrate artificial intelligence, allowing them to navigate environments, avoid obstacles, and respond to gestures like hand waving.

Conclusion: The demonstration tests in Ibaraki Prefecture showcase Honda’s commitment to advancing technology, merging autonomous features in electric vehicles and logistic robots. The insights gained will contribute to Honda’s ongoing efforts in enhancing AI capabilities for a smarter and more connected future.


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